Università Ca' Foscari Venezia

Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris - EAP

International Congress "Marketing Trends"
Paris, 26th-27th January 2007

Homepage - Scientific Committee - Papers

Consumer Behaviour - Marketing Strategy - Marketing Mix - Brand - Communication - Distribution - Relationship Marketing

Marketing Mix

ALVAREZ ALVAREZ B. – VAZQUEZ CASIELLES R., Universidad de Oviedo, Spain.
Influence of loyalty and method of
payment on internal reference price.

ARCE-URRIZA M. – CEBOLLADA-CALVO J., Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain.
Loyalty effects and price response at online and offline channels: a study across consumer packaged goods categories.

CHERUBINI S., University Tor Vergata of Rome – IASEVOLI G., University LUMSA of Rome – LAURETTA G., Responsabile Ticketing Olimpiadi di Torino 2006.
Events ticketing management: the case of the Olympic Winter Games Torino 2006 and the FIFA World Cup Germany 2006.

COURVOISIER F. H. - COURVOISIER F.-A., Haute Ecole de Gestion Arc, Switzerland.
Quelle innovation pour les produits régionaux et les produits du terroir?

DAMAY C., HEC, France.
Pourquoi travailler sur l’apprentissage des prix par les enfants?

JIMENEZ ZARCO A.I., Universitat Oberta de Catalunya – MARTINEZ RUIZ M.P., Universitat de València – LLAMAS ALONSO M.R., Universidad de León, Spain.
El descuento como tecnica promocional : una justificacion economica de sus determinantes y consecuencias

MASSON J., UMR MOISA – CREGO, ENSA Montpellier – AURIER P., Université Montpellier II, CREGO, D’HAUTEVILLE F., UMR MOISA, ENSA Montpellier, France.
Effets d’une information non-sensorielle sur la qualité perçue, le cas du vin à faible teneur en alcool

MONDÉJAR JIMÉNEZ J.A., Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha - MOLLÁ DESCALS A., Universidad de Valencia- GÓMEZ BORJA M.A., Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.
Price perception and the impact of currency unit: a computerized process tracing approach.

NAPOLITANO M.- DE NISCO A.- RIVIEZZO A., University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy.
Urban Revitalization and Town Centre Management: the Role of Stakeholders.

QUEIROGA A., Instituto Português de Administração de Marketing - LAGES L., Universidade Nova de Lisboa - CONCEIÇÃO SANTOS M., ISCTE Business School, Portugal.
Learning Orientation and Financial Performance in the Hotel Industry: The Mediating Role of Services Innovation

SANMARTIN E.R., Universidad de Santiago de Compostela – NAVARRO GARCIA A., Universidad de Sevilla, LOSADA PEREZ F., Universidad de Santiago de Compostela – BARREIRO FERNANDEZ J., Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
Adaptation of marketing-mix strategy and characteristics of exporting companies: implication on export performance

SEBASTIANI R.- MONTAGNINI F., Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, Italy.
Innovazione e competizione nei servizi: oltre i confini settoriali.

Homepage - Scientific Committee - Papers

Consumer Behaviour - Marketing Strategy - Marketing Mix - Brand - Communication - Distribution - Relationship Marketing