International Marketing Trends Conference

Venice, 19th-21st January 2012

Homepage - Conference Committees - Papers



BEZES Christophe  

Risque perçu et réducteurs de risque d’achat en ligne et en magasin : le cas Fnac


CHEN Xiaoyan, CLIQUET Gérard

New trends in mobile commerce: an empirical survey in China


CORVI Elisabetta, BONERA Michelle             

Online visual merchandising vs. fashion websites’ attractiveness and popularity



The formation of perceived value of electronic service from the study of its antecedents


GROSSO Monica, CASTALDO Sandro, HOFACKER Charles, PREMAZZI Katia     

Increasing customers' information sharing in the online setting: an empirical investigation on the role of trust and compensation


KHROUF Lilia, FRIKHA Azza, LEMOINE Jean-François        

Le rôle de l’imagerie mentale dans la compréhension des réponses des internautes


WASHIDA Yuichi, TANAKA Hiroaki, UEDA Kazuhiro   

Mapping of associations between in-store and online purchases: a proposal for a new product recommendation method


ZARRAD Houda, DEBABI Mohsen        

Intention d’achat à partir du web : antécédents et effets


ZHANG Xuan, JING Fengjie                 



Homepage - Conference Committees - Papers